The Food Industry Is Killing Your Diet Before You Even Start

According to one UK study, the average woman will spend up to half of her adult life dieting to lose weight. That's more than 20 years of trying and failing at diets! Add to this fact that Americans spend up to $50 billion dollars each year on diet books, foods, and a host of new gadgets. And yet: Despite the fact that the latest diet craze or piece of exercise equipment once again failed to help them actually attain their ideal weight, they will line up to spend another $50 billion or more the next year. So with so many people trying over and over again to shed their unwanted pounds while investing their hard earned money and precious time:

Then Why Can't Anyone Seem to Create "The Diet" or Exercise Program that Actually Works?

Is it simply a lack of will power or some genetic flaw that prevents 90% of people from actually attaining their weight loss goals? Are we all just "giving up too soon"? Is it perhaps unrealistic to expect to lose unwanted pounds once we get them meaning we are chasing some ideal weight that is completely unrealistic? Or, is there something else going on here to explain why millions upon millions of well-intentioned people continue to fail diet and exercise programs year after year?

In a word: YES.

In short, the food industry has basically clogged our entire food chain with additives, preservatives, and other synthetic ingredients created in laboratories. While these cheaper ingredients may boost profits and the shelf life of products, they come at a high price: Basically, our bodies likely can't absorb or utilize the synthetic ingredients so it considers them to be "toxins" that must be flushed from the body.

What? The food industry is loading our foods and beverages with "toxins"-why haven't we been told and who is doing something about this clear and present health threat? Well according to the food industry, these additives, preservatives, and other synthetic ingredients are either completely harmless or have the exact same chemical properties as the original "all natural" nutrients they are replacing.

Fact: Any nutrient or substance that your body cannot recognize or absorb is considered a toxin that must be eliminated if possible or stored in your skin cells if it cannot.

So those so-called "harmless" additives, preservatives, and artificial flavors are actually toxins. When we get older and can no longer eliminate toxins as fast as we ingest them, they become stored in our skin cells right next to fat cells and fat deposits. And because of our cell structure, your body can NOT burn those fat deposits for energy (or when you diet and exercise) unless the toxins are eliminated first.

And that is why every diet or exercise is doomed to failure: Because without purging those toxins, those fat deposits will NEVER be eliminated!

Now here's the truly sad part: Because many "diet" foods and beverages are also loaded with additives, preservatives, and artificial flavors/ingredients: They could literally be making the problem worse meaning you are starving and depriving yourself of the foods you love and instead eating a "healthy" alternative that may be adding more toxins to your system!

So, at the end of the day it is entirely possible that we have already tried diets and exercise programs that would actually work if we could first purge the stored toxins that are blocking the body from burning its fat deposits. Many of the most successful diet and weight loss systems include a detox component and you should too if you are serious about shedding those unwanted pounds and finally attaining your ideal weight. Specifically, look for a detox program that specifically targets the toxins in skin cells to complement any diet or exercise program.